Black Lake

It was a Tuesday night, i was driving home in my

''NASTEH ASS ''pickup truck. I lifted the sunglasses off my face with my little finger, squinting out into the road noticing a deer shuffling by. I sped up the truck and smashed into it. Blood flew everywere, i backed up allowing the dead body to slide off my cracked windshield and fall to the ground with a ''eh''. then i noticed something i shouldn't of... there wasn't just a deer but someone standing in the shadows out in the middle of the road, "WTFFF" i sang as i sped up the truck again and drove at the person. "TIFFANY YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT IN THE ROAD TIFFANYYY" i screamed. I heard a ''THUUuUuUuUuUuUuUuUUMP''

i thought i had ran over the stranger but noticed heshe was gone... THE HASHSLINGING BASH SHINGING HE WAS SLINGING A DANGEROUS HOOKER OH GOD OH GOD SCARY FUCKER BE FUCKING HURTFUL i flew at him in full speed, "LOVE ME ASIAN UGH" I LIVE